Sustainers Circle of Donors

Sustainers provide annual gifts of $1,000 or more to TART Trails in support of our mission to provide and promote a trail network that enriches people and communities throughout the greater Traverse region.

Go Farther Fund

Help us make every home a trailhead. Gifts to the Go Farther Fund provide TART Trails with the flexibility needed to achieve our vision of happy, active people making connections through a world-class trail network. The Go Farther Fund is used to expand trail connections, pursue property acquisition opportunities, and tackle other critical, timely needs that enable us to thrive as an organization and create meaningful connections. Go Farther gifts can be a multi-year pledge.

Go Farther Fund Donors

Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Foundation
Dan and Marsha Edson
In memory of Gordon and JoAnn Grapes, Mutual Gas
Al and Terry Hershey
Jim and Diana Huckle Family Foundation
Michigan Trails Fund
John and Nancy Morris
The Neithercut Family
John and Sue Paul

Sustainers Circle Events

We host a number of annual events exclusively for our Sustainers Circle of Donors. We hope these fun and informal events give you a chance to get out on the trails to enjoy and learn more about the network and experiences you’re helping to support! 

Click here to view the 2024 Sustainers Circle of donors events

Learn more about our Sustainers Circle of donors here. Contact Casey at or 231.941.4300 for more information.

TART Trails fiscal year runs from October 1st to September 30th. The most recent annual report is made available by the following February.

Click here for past Annual Reports