The 24 miles of the Boardman/Ottaway River Trail is complete and provides 7 miles of newly constructed single-track trail connecting Mayfield Pond Park to the North Country Trail. Additionally, we are thrilled to have recently completed trail between the Boardman River Nature Center and Cass Road.
Trail users can enjoy lakes, rivers, boardwalks, bridges, scenic vistas, forest, and wildlife. The trail also serves as a connecting trail for people to safely walk or bike to the soccer fields, the YMCA, the Nature Education Reserve, Kingsley, and the NCT. The trail is ideal for backpacking, bike camping, trail running, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, bird watching, photography, and wildlife study.
This 41.6 Mile loop starting in town at Hull Park behind the Traverse Area District Library connects the Boardman Lake Loop Trail, Boardman/Ottaway River Trail, East Creek Reserve Trails, Brown Bridge Quiet Area, Muncie Lake Pathway, North Country Trail, Vasa Pathway and TART back into Traverse City. Hunting is permitted in certain areas of the loop. Use caution and wear blaze orange or bright colors during hunting seasons.
The Boardman/Ottaway River Trail Committee, composed of various partners and spearheaded by Richard Naperala, was formed in 2010 to explore feasibility of developing a 24-mile trail that follows the Boardman River Valley from Traverse City to the North Country Trail (NCT). Most of the trail is in forested area on existing dirt paths and two-tracks. From the NCT users can continue on to connect with the Vasa Pathway and head back to Traverse City via the TART, resulting in a 41+ mile loop.
GPX file for GPS here
Parking available at Mayfield Pond Park, Brown Bridge Quiet Area Trailhead 1, Muncie Lake Pathway , Grand Traverse YMCA South, the Boardman River Nature Center and more.