TART Trails is collaborating with SEEDS and the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy on a pilot program to construct .5 miles of sustainable single-track trail behind the Oleson Plaza. This trail is part of a larger vision to join Hickory Meadows with the Grand Traverse Commons Natural Area.
The construction of the Traverse Ridge Trail is a unique training opportunity to educate organization volunteers in our region on single track trail building. This pilot program will allow us to monitor how this section of trail is used, and guide us in its evolution, as well as the evolution of similar projects in the area.
With over 250 acres of meadows and woodlands between the two properties, Hickory Meadows and the Grand Traverse Commons are dedicated in perpetuity to viewshed preservation and passive recreational activities such as hiking and nature watching. The planned trail will be constructed directly west of Oleson’s Plaza. In turn, this Traverse Ridge Trail will also connect to the Buffalo Ridge Trail which connects via non-motorized pathway The Village at Grand Traverse Commons, Traverse City West Middle School and the YMCA, the TBA-ISD main office and conference center, the Historic Barns Park, and the Botanic Gardens.